Biomed Central e SpringerOpen

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Annual Membership

Contents: access to all BioMed Central and Springer Open gold OA journals covering a wide range of topics: science and technology, medicine, engineering, chemistry and mathematics.

Gold Open Access with discounts: 15% discount on Gold OA publishing fees for each BioMed Central or Springer Open journal, under the University's Digital Library annual membership. There are no additional costs for colour tables and images.

OA publications management
On Springer platform Unimi Corresponding Author is recognized by:

  • Institution Name
  • IP address
  • Intitutional Account

How to get the discount
If you send the article from a University IP, the discount will be applied automatically.
If you send the article from an external IP, select the option I believe that I am covered by an institutional membership arrangement on the 'APC arrangement' page and then select the name of our university, Università degli Studi di Milano, from the drop-down menu.
Please find detailed instructions to get the discount.

After the end of the procedure, the Approval Manager of the Author Service verifies and validates the affiliation and corresponding author will receive a confirmation email.

Please be informed that discounted cost for publishing in these Gold open access journals is eligible for Central Fund OA UNIMI request. Please find and check here all the information needed

For information: