2020-2024 agreement, signed through CRUI-CARE
Read & Publish agreement
The agreement includes a subscription to e-journals and the option of OA publishing for University authors in hybrid journals (Open Choice Standard Journals) available on the SpringerLink platform. The number of OA publications covered by the agreement has been increasing over the five-year contractual period.
Since 2023, journals that switch from hybrid model to gold OA model, continue to remain elegible for the OA publication.
Since 2023, journals that switch from hybrid model to gold OA model, continue to remain elegible for the OA publication.
Green Open Access
Upon acceptance of the publication, authors can self-archive their AAM on their personal website and into AIR with an embargo period of 12 months, with the following mention: 'Version following the peer review process, pending the review of the article as published in [enter journal title]. The authenticated final version is available online at: http://dx.doi.org/ [enter DOI]
These guidelines do not apply to articles published in Open Choice Journals with an Open Access license. They are immediately available Open Access.
OA publications management
University corresponding authors can publish their papers Open Access provided they are original papers and review papers, as required by the agreement.
Original paper – a standard article, usually presenting new findings; it may also be referred to as original research, original article or research paper.
Review paper – a standard article with an interpretation of previously published findings.
The papers are mostly published with a Creative Commons CC-BY license, or a CC-BY-NC license for a small number of journals (link to the list). Under this publishing model the author maintains copyright.
Upon completion of the peer-review process and acceptance of the article by the journal, corresponding author will select the University as his/her institution of affiliation before taking the Open Access option. Please find the Author Journey
Upon completion of this process, the affiliation will be validated by the Digital Library Office.
For any queries: springer.OA@unimi.it