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2024-2027 Wiley Online Library Agreement and OA Rights, signed through CRUI-CARE


Subscription with Database Model access to the publisher's catalogue with the option of Open Access publishing for affiliated Corresponding Authors with a CC-BY license in the publisher's HYBRID and GOLD OA journals 

Green Open Access

University authors can self-archive their papers in the version accepted for publication on their website or into the Institutional repository with an embargo period of 12 months for all journals.

OA publications management

Corresponding authors affiliated to UNIMI may choose to publish their work in Open Access and they are required to use their institutional address and email address during the submission process. 
The corresponding author is identified through the Ringgold Identifier system on the publisher's platform already in use for the management of the publishing process. The author retains copyright on her/his product published in OA.
The Open Access publication agreement covers the costs for the following research products:
  •  Case Study
  •  Commentary
  •  Data article
  •  Lecture (Atti di conferenza)
  •  Method and Protocol (Metodo e protocollo)
  •  Perspective (Prospettiva)
  •  Practice and Policy
  •  Rapid Communication
  •  Research Article
  •  Review Article
  •  Short Communication
  •  Technical Note
At the end of the peer-review process and the final acceptance of the article by the journal, the publication process requires the corresponding author to select the University as the affiliating institution before opting for Open Access. Upon completion of the procedure, the affiliation is validated by the UNIMI Authors Service.
For information: APC.bibliotecadigitale@unimi.it

Additional information

Authors' guide

Some services (e.g., color images and/or extra pages) are not included in the APC (Article Processing Charge) for open access.