News from the libraries
Opening hours and seating
Monday-Friday from 9 am-7.30pm
The library is divided in the following areas : Atrium, Sala A, Sala B, Sala C and Mezzanine floor.
It offers 198 seats and 7 computers, 3 of which are for OPAC searches (Atrium) and the others for study and research. There are 2 printers/photocopiers.
02 503.19606
The Biblioteca Alberto Malliani (Alberto Malliani Library), founded in 1996, has scientific journals and volumes in the biomedical field for training and updating both students and hospital staff.
The ‘Medicine and Literature’ section was created in 2007; it includes novels that highlight the relationship between medicine and literature through the authors, the topic or characters.
The library also allows access to theses completed for the Degree Programme in Nursing (three-year degree, all sections) from as far back as November 2010.
Opening hours and seating
Monday-Friday from 9 am-6 pm
The Library is divided into the following areas:
Study and consultation room, 192 seats
7 study rooms, 138 seats
Computer lab, 21 workstations (closed)
Loan area for Course reserve
02 503.15181 / 15185 / 15187
The Biblioteca biomedica di Città Studi (Biomedical Sciences Library in Città studi) was created in 2016 by transferring the Library of Pharmacology and Experimental Medicine to the former CIDiS University Centre, the Interuniversity Consortium for Diritto allo Studio (Education Incentive Programme).
The library provides books for exams in Medicine, Pharmaceutical chemistry and technology and Motor Sciences.
Opening hours and seating
Monday-Friday from 8.30 am-7.30 pm
The library is divided into the following areas: Consultation room, 48 seats, 2 computers; Computer lab, 11 workstations (mezzanine floor); Study room, 24 seats (basement) .
There is a photocopier/printer
02 503 20845/6
The Biblioteca del Polo centrale di Medicina e chirurgia (Library of the Central School of Medicine and Surgery) has texts and periodicals for training and updating students, postgraduates and doctoral students, medical and nursing staff of the Central School.
The library has acquired periodicals from the Ophthalmology Clinic and from the Otorhinolaryngology Clinic, from the Library of the former Paediatrics and Neonatology Institutes and from the former Department of Neurological Sciences.
'L. Devoto' Occupational Medicine section
Temporarily closed
This section, which is inside the Policlinico Hospital, via S. Barnaba 8, is accessible from the ground floor of the Vigliani Padiglione, as you enter from the Devoto Padiglione.
02 503 20106
Opening hours and seating
Monday-Friday from 8.30 am-7.30 pm
Polo San Paolo library, hosted in Ospedale San Paolo (San Paolo Hospital), is divided into the following areas:
Study and consultation main room, 48 seats;
7 study and consultation rooms - groups allowed, 42 seats (6 seats each).
1 photocopier/printer
2 computers for catalog searches
02 50323016/8
The Biblioteca del Polo San Paolo (Library of the San Paolo Centre) has materials which university students and hospital staff can study to broaden and update their knowledge.
It also houses a section dedicated to Medicine in literature and the collection of volumes from the Mental Health Hospital 'Istituto Paolo Pini’ library. The collection, mailnly devoted to neurology, psychiatry, and psychology, can be consulted in the library only